Three novels about a girl named Mallory caught in a soap opera world.
Meet Mallory Hayden, sixteen-year-old producer and creator of her own soap opera. Can she survive life with her backstabbing soap-star mother, keep her friends close and her enemies closer (and tell the difference between them), find true love (supersweet boyfriend-or the show’s supercute male lead?), and make her show a hit in this world of high-stakes drama and sudsy sabotage?
Originally published as separate hardcover novels (Likely Story, All That Glitters, Red Carpet Riot), here are all three novels in one sizzling volume!
“A fresh, hip glimpse into the life of daytime soaps and everyday teens.
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. . . Soapdish meets Sweet Valley High. . . . If you are a soap fan, YA novel fan or simply looking for a good, dishy, well-written read, Likely Story is a must-have.” – Daytime Confidential
“More twists, turns, and intrigue than a daytime soap. . . . Sure to be a hit.” –School Library Journal