Eighteen stories about love in many forms, from falling for your local barista to sharing a long life together.
“Many of these stories began as Valentine’s gifts. Together, they have the feel of a bittersweet reality check – a very nice counterbalance to the usual candy hearts and chocolates.” – Los Angeles Times
Just in time for Valentine’s Day comes a confection from David Levithan that is sure to have fans of Boy Meets Boy eager to devour it. Here are 18 stories, all about love, all kinds of love
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. From the aching for the one you pine for, to standing up and speaking up for the one you love, to pure joy and happiness, these love stories run the gamut of that emotion that at some point has turned every one of us inside out and upside down.
What is love? With this original story collection, David Levithan proves that love is a many splendored thing, a varied, complicated, addictive, wonderful thing.